Lancaster University – Retrofit Solar PV
End Client: Aspull Electrical
M&E Consultants: Lancaster University – Management School
Main Contractor: 49kWp Retro Fit Flat Roof System
When Lancaster University’s Management School saw energy prices skyrocket, it knew it needed to become less dependent on retail supply. Generating its own solar energy meant that money could be saved and reinvested back into the university estate.
Lancaster University initially wanted to install solar PV on a new building – but the nature of the construction meant that the system had to be fitted on a neighbouring building. What’s more, the installation needed to span the three available roofs, covering an area of about 250m2, and it needed to work around existing roof equipment.
The management school also needed specialist knowledge in handling the project and getting the right paperwork in place prior to works commencing on-site.
To calculate the size of the system, SQ4S surveyed the site thoroughly, analysing all existing electrical equipment and the half-hourly consumption data supplied by Lancaster University. SQ4S then proposed a 49kWp ballasted flat-roof system with a bespoke design that would generate an estimated 42,210kWh per year – enough electricity to cover a large portion of the management school’s annual energy needs.
The DNO registration was then handled on behalf of the client and permission to connect to the local grid was obtained, which helped save valuable project time and made things significantly easier – all before any commitments were made.
SQ4S designed, supplied and installed a ready-to-use 49kWp solar PV system using a particular ballasted mounting technology to make the most of the limited space and produce the maximum amount of energy for their budget. The install included Longi panels and a 50Kw inverter which was mounted externally to allow easy access for future maintenance visits.
SQ4S estimated the system would pay for itself in just three years (at the 2022 energy price of £0.34p), allowing the school to benefit from a predictable, fixed price for its solar energy and to make huge savings by avoiding retail energy price fluctuations.